Chiropractic care is non-invasive, hands on treatment of the spine, joints, muscles, and nervous system. Chiropractors use their clinical expertise to diagnose and treat issues that affect your body’s pain and function. The types of treatments used by chiropractors vary, but all are used to promote health, improve your quality of life, and alleviate pain.
Therapeutic massage, commonly called massage therapy, is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body using hands-on techniques to treat pain and stress naturally. It is often a sought after treatment in conjunction with chiropractic care because of the benefits offered by concurrent treatments. When paired with chiropractic, massage provides maximum relief to any discomfort the patient is feeling.
Regenerative medicine is a type of treatment approach that seeks to improve the health of tissues that have been negatively impacted by disease, trauma, or other issues. These therapies use the body’s natural healing processes to activate and enhance healing in the areas of the body where it is needed most. These regenerative treatments help with a variety of types of conditions including chronic joint pain, neck and back pain, arthritis, neuropathy, tendon and ligament injuries, degenerative joint conditions, and more.