When To Return To Work After An Accident

Documenting your injuries from the moment the accident occurs until you have reached your full recovery is vital. It not only tells your chiropractor when it is time for you to return to work, but helps validate your personal injury claim and its value. There are a lot of other things that can help or hurt your claim when it comes to heading back to work after a personal injury accident.

Getting back to normal after being injured in a personal injury accident can be time consuming, which is the reason many people jump back into their regular routine before they are really ready. Unfortunately, trying to get back to “normal” can impact not just your healing, but also your personal injury claim. 

What Happens If I Return To Work Too Soon?

Trying to return to work too soon is important, especially if you go back earlier than your doctor recommends. For example, if your doctor says you should be off work for at least one month and you return to work after just a week or two, it can be a sign that you don’t take your injury seriously, or that it isn’t as severe as you claim. Either way, the insurance company will likely claim they shouldn’t have to pay for your medical expenses if you are putting your health at risk or your injuries are minor.

When your injuries are caused by another person, your claim is typically taken over by that person’s insurance company. This is good because insurance companies typically have the ability to pay out the settlement you deserve, but they will also spend a lot of resources trying to avoid paying your expenses, so expect everything you do to be scrutinized by them. 

Don’t Try To Rush The Healing Process

It is important to understand that the insurance company will be keeping a close eye on you, but you also need to remember that you can’t rush the healing process. To feel comfortable returning to work after your injury, take the following into consideration:

  • Prove Your Commitment to a Full Recovery – By following your doctor’s orders you show that you are committed to healing. If you ignore treatment recommendations or skip appointments, that will be a red flag to the insurance company. They may believe that you are intentionally dragging out the healing process to lose more income and get more money from them.
  • Document Evidence of Complications and Symptoms – After your accident, be sure to record what you are feeling both mentally and physically. This will also help your doctor determine the extent of your injuries. As you recover, be sure that you and your doctor are fully documenting your progress and any complications you experience. This will help your doctor know when it is time for you to safely return to work. 
  • Know What to Do If You Discover You Can’t Go Back to Work or Reinjure Yourself – Even if you follow your full recovery plan and go back to work at the time your doctor recommends, there is always a chance that your previous injury could flare up. If that happens, you will want to schedule a doctor’s visit immediately and inform your employer. If you discover that you are unable to perform the duties of your previous position, this may also need to be addressed with your doctor. 

Prove Your Committed to a Full Recovery

Personal injuries are traumatic events that should be taken seriously. These injuries can impact your career, finances, health, and more. Not only is sticking with your doctor’s orders key for healing your body, but it is crucial if you want to get the maximum amount of money for your claim

Your chiropractor can help document your injuries, help you recover, advise you when the best time is to return to work, and help validate your claim and its value. And ultimately accelerate your recovery and help you feel better.

Dr. Tim Swift proudly serves San Clemente, San Juan, Dana Point, and the surrounding areas of Orange County, California.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for in-person advice or care from a medical professional.

Picture of Dr. Tim Swift

Dr. Tim Swift

Dr. Tim Swift combines his chiropractic expertise with regenerative medicine to bring a passion for restoring health, mobility, and vitality to help his community feel and function better.


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